Saturday, April 2, 2011

Children/Things 'Old People' Do

Often as it seems erin and I end up talking about kids. Not that we want any in the close future, but I think that because so many of our friends around us have them the conversation goes that way. So the other day we were in Costco, enjoying the plethora of samples and I think we found a safe alternative to children. The nice thing is that you don't have to feed, change or really play with them and the chances of being hit by a car are lower... But they did seem a little impersonal and kind of cold.

I think that we have managed to recover from all the crazy travel. We have worked out the mostly everything with the airlines and as of right now I am back on my normal work schedule. We moved up the start date for erin's work and she will start on the 11th of April. (WHOOHOO!! She adds).

Thankfully life has not gotten too busy that we cannot get in some quality time together. Last Monday for our 'date night' we spent the night in and started on a puzzle. It is one of the activities we like to do together that often makes our friends comment that we are an 'old' couple. I guess we are already an 'old' couple after only 2 months of marriage then I am sure that I should be scheduled to retire in the next year or so. Not sure how that will work out. So I will have to let everyone else decide. Until then, enjoy the completed puzzle below.
