Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fun With Food

This last first week at work was busy. That might even be an understatement depending on what your normal work week looks like. One of the things I have been reminded of though is the wonderful, fun and sometimes unique food I can fin here. Last night I got to go out with one of my Japanese friends to a tempura place that is probably the best tempura restaurant I have ever eaten at. The bummer to going to a place is that now all other tempura tastes second rate. The thing about this place though is that it is  all in Japanese and they don't cater to the english speaking people like myself very well, actually not at all. So I have to take someone who speaks Japanese. 
After dinner, we wandered to coffee and donuts. Chatting about lots of life kinds of things. He is about my age and looking at buying a house soon in the area. It was fun to talk with him and compare the differences of how buying a house in the states compares and is also so different than buying here in Japan. Sitting there just laughing at jokes, sharing about things we have in common, it was a nice way to get out of the hotel room for a night.

Today with the weather starting to take a change I picked up some groceries and hunkered down for the night. As I type this I can hear the thunder rolling in. Groceries are always fun. There is so many things just out and about you would never expect to see. Or at least I would never expect to see. The special find today was deep fried baby crab halves. Just a small crab, cut in half and deep fried... I think someone started with them and decided on strawberries instead. I think that is a good choice, I chose the strawberries too.

Work goes on, and I am already looking forward to coming home after such a busy week last week. Maybe this weekend, weather pending I will try to get out and about to one of the surrounding areas.

Until next time, keep me in your prayers and I'll make sure to try and avoid the weird food... but no promises on whale meat if I'm offered it. I did find a place with sharkfin soup though...


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